


пятница, 23 апреля 2010 г.


The cool autumn night -
The Milky Way glows like as
Angel in night

At times among the pines,
The damp musty smell of autumn
Sound of the river below

Lone moon
High in an autumn sky -
And my shadow

the spring rains -
to count the daffodils in the flower bed
I go back each day

2 комментария:

  1. Wonderful set. I like the 4th verse especially--it reminds me change is constant. There is always something new to behold.

    Best wishes.

  2. This is wonderfully written and I LOVE the photograph you included. You captured a sweet essence in Autumn & brought the senses there with sounds/fragrance/and touch/ rains & dampened leaves "musty" ~a gift this is! Beautiful talent and so honored to read!
