


воскресенье, 14 октября 2018 г.

Autumn 2018

the leaf
lies down as him please
on my shoulder

I measure
the depth of my loneliness
when I look the rain

in a pile of petals
autumn day

falling leaves
nothing but sad
- maple tree

a taste of mist
sweeter than berries
on my tongue

воскресенье, 18 февраля 2018 г.


When you get to an unfamiliar place, you do not need to make excursions: go to the market, yes to the station - and you will understand everything ...

среда, 14 февраля 2018 г.

traveling ..

a bird's voice 
from green branches 
within and without 

Baga Beach
she looks me straight 
into the eye 

My city

New haiku

fatty Tuesday ..
a cat's mewing
from the kitchen

silent evening —
sun shines on fiery red
with shade of blue.

smell of jasmine
mingles with the dust -
shared intimacy

apple pie -
houseflies buzzing
from the kitchen

winter of Tokyo..
a heater does its best
to warm the room.

четверг, 8 февраля 2018 г.

New haiku

evening reflection -
below the setting sun
the cherry tree

hours of the morning..
I tuck my notebook
under my  bed

galactic haiku..
I'm always awed by the view
through a telescope,

high and bright ..
blue moonlight
on the river

last call...
the old stone wall
still bright 

New haiku

in an updraft...
who I might have been,

cheerful February
browning of the meat
at  picnic

prayers for peace...
the Big Dipper rises
from the starry sea

a different voice
my mind full
of mistakes

hope trumped fear.
I feel I can breathe again/
highs and lows.

New haiku

more twenty  ...
my small son pauses
to catch his breath

snowy February ..
my daughter sees
a cloud of butterflies

weeds growing over ...
the swell of our conversation

gloomy February -
everything I joy
a pancake breakfast.

bathed in morning light -
her new poem

суббота, 27 января 2018 г.

понедельник, 15 января 2018 г.

New haiku

disappeared —
the dry leaves
under fallen snow

frost morning
scratches of my  finger
at the window

smell of pine needles -
the light of the sun.

talk of war...
the retired generals
twitter in the skies

cold wind
my thoughts run
ahead of me

New haiku

frosty air
I must stop
to catch my breath

Polar day -
sky ablaze
longer lasting

darkness end ..
a red disk of sun

Polar sun -
the dissolving
of long darkness

polar sun
the wonder of this wordless
a  appearance

New haiku

looking together
across the snowfall
beggar and sparrow

pine- tree
white and catkins ...
New Year

dusk -
dangerous pavements,
a slip

frosty fog -
that maybe better
of hot tea

etching sky
packed in the snow